Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This blog is now RETIRED

I considered deleting a lot of stuff on this old blog.  Such as embarrassing self-videos from Toronto.  No that is not an invitation to go watch them.  I do hope to locate the remaining 3-4 Alaska Days with Steve and finish those blogs best I can.  But beyond that- consider this blog, appropriately named Fleeting Pride, a document of history. 

I have new stories and messages to share.  Messages filled with the promise of hope, love and positivity.  I will create a new blog for the new me.  The old me you see in the Fleeting Pride blog is not me today.  Not even close.  A natural progression occurs for us all over time, yes.  But for me, I was thrust into a vehicle of God through a period of progression that is not over, and never will be. 

So, out with the pride and on with spiritual purpose. 

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