Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This blog is now RETIRED

I considered deleting a lot of stuff on this old blog.  Such as embarrassing self-videos from Toronto.  No that is not an invitation to go watch them.  I do hope to locate the remaining 3-4 Alaska Days with Steve and finish those blogs best I can.  But beyond that- consider this blog, appropriately named Fleeting Pride, a document of history. 

I have new stories and messages to share.  Messages filled with the promise of hope, love and positivity.  I will create a new blog for the new me.  The old me you see in the Fleeting Pride blog is not me today.  Not even close.  A natural progression occurs for us all over time, yes.  But for me, I was thrust into a vehicle of God through a period of progression that is not over, and never will be. 

So, out with the pride and on with spiritual purpose. 

Alaska Day 4

8/20/2014--  This blog post has been in my drafts for years.  I haven't opened this blog in years.  There are several more Alaska Days with Steve to cover.  But I no longer know where those pictures have gone to.  A lot has happened since then.  Hopefully I can find them and finish the Alaska blog.  But anyhow, here is Day 4, or at least what I finished of it. 

Ready to go.

The beautiful lake in the morning. Didnt' catch a damn fish!

On the hike down...

Ohh.... I wished we looked at this fucking sign on the way in. Hmmm... Wonder why there were no fish. Fuck! There are 4 lakes up the trail and only 2 are stocked. We.... chose..... poorly.....

We left that fucking sign behind. We made our way back toward Seward and then found our tracks to Exit Glacier. This is the river that comes from it. (We are on our way up to it). Exit Glacier.

A map in the visitor's center. About that, there was this couple that was hitch-hiking on the road a way's before we got there. I drove by them. I felt so bad that I actually pulled over a mile or two ahead and Steve and I tried our best to clear enough room to fit them into our car. We could not possibly pull it off. We had 2 backpacks and a compact rental. Not gonna' work. So... I decided 'no go'. We get up to the visitor's center and the hitch-hiking couple is already there! They beat us! I must take too many pictures, and they obviously found another ride. Anyway, there it is. Kenai Lake. The most beautiful lake I have ever laid eyes on.
Again, there is no way to describe the beauty.

On the way to our next stop. (Which by the way, we had no official stops planned- everything was "on the fly".)

This is the next lake we camped at. We hiked in about a half mile. Steve was hurtin' pretty bad by now. But it wasn't too bad. Very pretty.